Spanish Language Evangelistic Literature
shared by
Kraig J. Rice

Evangelistic Christian Literature in the Spanish language

God loves the Spanish speaking peoples of the world and wants them converted to Christ. Let's try every way we can to reach them with the gospel of Christ.

You may live in a country outside of the United States and not read and write the English language as well as you think you should. If that is the case then this web page may help you find gospel resources in your own language.

Four Things God Wants You to Know (in Spanish):

"1. Ud. Necesita ser Salvo
El que no naciere otra vez, no puede ver el reino de Dios
(Juan 3:3).
� Por cuanto todos pecaron, y est�n destitu�dos de la gloria de Dios
(Romanos 3:23).
� De manera que, cada uno de nosotros dar� a Dios raz�n de s�
(Romanos 14:12).
� Y de la manera que est� establecido � los hombres que mueran una vez, y despu�s el juicio
(Hebreos 9:27).

2. Ud. No Puede Salvarse a S� Mismo
No por obras de justicia que nosotros hub�amos hecho, mas por su misericordia nos salv�
(Tito 3:5).
� Porque cualquiera que hubiere guardado toda la ley, y ofendiere en un punto, es hecho culpado de todos
(Santiago 2:10).
� Hay camino que al hombre parece derecho; empero su fin son caminos de muerte
(Proverbios 14:12).
� Jes�s le dice: Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por m�
(Juan 14:6).

3. Dios Ha Hecho Provisi�n para Su Salvaci�n
Porque tambi�n Cristo padeci� una vez por los pecados, el justo por los injustos, para llevarnos � Dios
(1 Pedro 3:18).
� Al que no conoci� pecado, hizo pecado por nosotros, para que nosotros fu�semos hechos justicia de Dios en �l
(2 Cor. 5:21).
� Porque de tal manera am� Dios al mundo, que ha dado � su Hijo unig�nito, para que todo aquel que en �l cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna
(Juan 3:16).

4. Ud. Puede Ser Salvo Hoy
Buscad a Jehov� mientras puede ser hallado, llamadle en tanto que est� cercano
(Isaias 55:6). He aqu� ahora el tiempo aceptable; he aqu� ahora el d�a de salud
(2 Cor. 6:2).
� De cierto, de cierto os digo: El que oye mi palabra, y cree al que me ha enviado, tiene vida eterna; y no vendr� � condenaci�n, mas pas� de muerte � vida
(Juan 5:24).

Su Parte, Creer
� Cree en el Se�or Jesucristo, y ser�s salvo t�, y tu casa
(Hechos 16:31).

Arrepentirse (Dejar la vida vieja)
� No, os digo; antes si no os arrepintiereis, todos perecer�is igualmente
(Lucas 13:3).

Confesar su Pecado a Jesus
� Si confesamos nuestros pecados, �l es fiel y justo para que nos perdonar nuestros pecados
(1 Juan 1:9).

Hablar de Jesucristo Delante de Los Hombres.
� Que si confesares con tu boca al Se�or Jes�s, y creyeres en tu coraz�n que Dios le levant� de los muertos, ser�s salvo
(Romanos 10:9).

Convencido que soy pecador, y sabiendo que "Cristo muri� por los imp�os," yo ahora acepto a Jesucristo como mi �nico y suficiente Salvador, y le confesar� delante de los hombres."
This tract shared with us by Good News/Crossway
This tract available for purchase in leaflet form at

Here are a few links to evangelistic literature in the Spanish language:
(Note: please be sure to bookmark or add to your favorites this page so you can come back and visit us again as these links will take you off of this BOW website).

David Wilkerson's sermons in Spanish (World Challenge) Times Square Church in New York

Many booklets in the Spanish language by Chick Publications

Thru the Bible
Thru the Bible, the classic five-year radio Bible study with Dr. J. Vernon McGee, is broadcast daily on the internet in Spanish. Listen to their daily Spanish language Internet broadcast:

A Spanish Bible

A Spanish page (links to Spanish Bible web sites- text, audio, and video)

Some Gospel tracts in Spanish.

A Spanish Tract from Lifegate, Inc.

Evangelism Booklets by World Missionary Press

World Missionary Press has many tract booklets for Christians to distribute to those who are lost who read Spanish. You can view them at their website at
and please remember to include a generous financial contribution to them when ordering their booklets for their most important missions work as they are a faith based work and depend on the gifts of God's children to help them continue their work for Christ. All of their booklets are copywrited so please order from them rather than printing your own.

A Bible Study on the Gospel of Matthew (in Spanish)

A Bible Study on the Gospel of John (in Spanish)

How To Know God (in Spanish)

The Way to God (in Spanish)

The Power of God (in Spanish)

Satan Versus Christ (in Spanish)

Who Am I That a King Would Die in My Place? (in Spanish)

The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ (in Spanish)

A Bible Study on REVELATION (in Spanish)

Help From Above (in Spanish)

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    Please do not write or contact BOW in the Spanish language as no one at BOW corporation speaks or writes Spanish. Thank you:)

    Bread On The Waters (BOW)

    BOW Foreign Language Index

    since November 03, 2006