Newsletter Clippings
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Shared With You By
Kraig J. Rice
Bread On The Waters (BOW)

(Clicking on these internal links will move you down this page)

Sweet Poison Facing the Future by David and Stephen Olford
Misery In The Valley by William McCumber Every Child Is A Unique Person
A Few Steps To Prevent Family Burn-Out Rock (And Roll) Casualties by Parade Magazine
The Real Story of The "Old Rugged Cross" He Is Risen! by R.A. Torrey
An Opportunity to Help (Reading Evangelism) Rules For Your Bible Garden
Going For A Landing The Reason For Politeness
Alcoholism Sometimes GOD is Waiting By Marilyn J. Nelson
The Power Of One- A Real Life Example God Has An "Indescribable" Gift For You
Moody's "Saints" Stayed in Church By Viola Walden Only a Boy By unknown author
Self Sacrificing Love By Dr. George Mundell A Message On Hope titled "Victory" By David Buttram
American Christian Forefathers by Richard Wheeler Jesus� All Things To All People By David Buttram
Jesus Is Coming� Are You Ready? By Muriel Larson Have you lost your first Love? By David Buttram
God's Stop Signs By Lois A. Kreider

Sweet Poison

"A little boy, when his mother was out, got a chair and climbed up to a shelf in the kitchen to see if there was anything good to eat. He saw a small white paper package and opened it. It was filled with white powder. The boy tasted it and found it sweet; he took more and then put it up again.

When his mother came back, she found the boy feeling sick, so she asked what he had eaten. He told her he had "tasted some of that sweet sugar in the pantry." "Oh, my boy, it is poison; it will kill you!" she exclaimed. The doctor was sent for, and the boy's life was saved.

But that boy never forgot that what is sweet may be poison. So it is with sin. Something we like very much may be wrong; if it is wrong, it is sin- it is death. Take care what books you read; what movies you watch. They may contain sweet poison. They may injure your mind, your character, and your life."

Quoted from the Gospel Tract Society Harvester, Aug 2006, Page 9

Facing the Future
By David and Stephen Olford

"Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them..."
(Joshua 1:2 [see vs. 1-9]).

In this opening chapter of Joshua, we find God meeting His servant Joshua at a point of crisis with a message of encouragement and challenge. Notice that God called Joshua to face the future with:

The Purpose of God:
"...Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan"
(Joshua 1:2).

Moses, that mighty man who led the Children of Israel out of Egypt, through the Red Sea and into the wilderness, was dead, and to Joshua was left the immense responsibility of taking over the reins of leadership. But God's purpose is always redemptive, and Joshua was wise enough to identify himself with the God who has a solution to every situation.

The Promise of God:
"Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, I have given you, as I said unto Moses"
(Joshua 1:3). God's promises never fail, and at this crisis point in his life, Joshua rested his entire faith upon them. Having seen that God could spread a table in the wilderness to feed His ancient people, having seen the many miracles which Moses wrought by the power of God, Joshua not only believed God's promise, but he was ready to possess his possessions.

The Power of God:
"There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee"
(Joshua 1:5). The overthrow of Jericho was the first test that Joshua was to face upon entering the land of Canaan. They leveled that city through Gods victorious power�a power that we can know continuously in our own Christian experience day by day.

The Presence of God:
"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest"
(Joshua 1:9). That presence was mediated to Joshua, as it is mediated to us today through the Word of God. Like Joshua, we should love it, learn it, and above all, live it. Before us stretches the unknown future. Let us face it as Joshua did� with God's purpose, with Gods promise, with God's power, with God's presence.

"Present grace is enough for present necessity. Trust God for the future."
� Pulpit Helps"

Quoted from the Gospel Tract Society Harvester, Aug 2006, Page 15

by William McCumber

"Down from the mountain" came Jesus, from the mountain where he had received glory. He was not willing to remain there in comfort and security while the "great crowd" below was lost and helpless in sin.
(Luke 9:37-45) RSV

In the valley to which he descended was a tragedy that contrasted sharply with the beauty and glory of the mountain. Jesus addressed himself to the situation, bringing triumph out of tragedy. In this story we behold

1. The misery of man.

There in the valley was an afflicted child. He is described as demon-possessed, and victimized by terrible convulsions, which left him foaming at the mouth and thrashing about on the ground.

With the lad was a brokenhearted father. He could do nothing for the boy, and neither could the crowd. He is described as "a man from the crowd," as needy as all they, as helpless as all they. He comes to Jesus crying, "Look upon my son." On the mountain God had said, "Listen to my Son." When we listen to God's Son, we soon learn that He is interested in our sons.

Also in the valley, compounding the problem, was an impotent church. The father exclaimed, "I begged your disciples to cast it out, but they could not." Now he says, "Teacher, I beg you." There's no use begging those to help who are part of the problem, who share a human life bound and driven by evil forces. But when we look away from men to the Son of man, we can find the answer to our need.

To the stricken father Jesus issued the invitation of love, "Bring your son here." Until we bring our troubles to Jesus, nothing can be done. When we bring them to Him, anything may happen!

In contrast with the misery of man, vividly depicted in the plight of the boy and the sorrow of his dad, we behold

2. The majesty of God.

When Jesus took charge and healed the boy and restored him to the father, the crowd was "astonished at the majesty of God."

It was the majesty of judgment. We read that "Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit." This is judgment in the Old Testament sense, where a champion of the oppressed brings deliverance by routing their enemy. The judge was a deliverer, and judgment was deliverance, the restoration of a right order in society. The majesty of God as the Champion of the oppressed and enslaved shone through the defeat of the demon by Jesus.

It was the majesty of power also. Jesus exorcised the demon and "healed the boy." The same divine power that brought order out of chaos "in the beginning" was at work in Jesus, bringing healing and freedom to this tormented boy. What the father, the crowd, and the disciples could not do, Jesus did!

It was, too, the majesty of love. When Jesus had healed the lad, He "gave him back to his father." He restored the damaged relationship. He removed the burden of heartbreak out of His love for father and son. Jesus is the One who unites us to God and to one another.

The majesty of God! What an appropriate phrase to describe the person and work of Jesus Christ! He was more than a man among men, a healer among healers, a teacher among teachers. That He was, of course, but infinitely more. He was the eternal Son of God incarnate, bringing more-than-human resources of sympathy and strength to people's lives. He touched disordered lives and broken hearts with the boundless power of divine love.

He issues His invitation still today: "Bring your son here." Bring your own shattered lives. Bring your children, bring your friends, bring your mates. Bring them in prayer, setting their names and needs before the throne of grace. Bring them in faith, trusting the majesty of God where all the might of man has failed.

Notice that Jesus, while the crowd still marvelled "at everything he did," spoke of His coming death: "The Son of man is to be delivered into the hands of men." He is telling them� and us� that all the benefits of His love and power are grounded upon the Cross, channeled through the Cross. Casting out a demon was winning a skirmish. The Cross and Resurrection would win the war. A love-power is loose in the world which nothing can defeat, and that love-power is available to us in our time of need!

Let us pray: Our Father, we are listening to Your Son. And we are bringing our sons to Him, emboldened by the majesty of His judgment, power, and love. Heal our sick, save our lost, and turn our misery into joy. Amen."

Quoted from Showers of Blessing by William McCumber, former Editor of the Herald of Holiness of the Church of the Nazarene.


"When my wife and I had three children in the nest, I learned that there were differences between them. As a creation of God, each child is unique, special, different.
(Matthew 18:1-6)

(Luke 2:52)

Like Jesus every child should have the opportunity to grow
socially, and
Throughout the Bible, parents are urged to train their children so they will know themselves, other people, and especially God.
(Proverbs 22:6)

(Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

We give verbal and non-verbal cues to our children. They catch our values. The Bible stresses the importance of parents not "PLAYING HOUSE" but teaching children the true business of life: God's love in life's details. The Bible describes a father as the family religious leader who lays a strong foundation oh which his children build their lives.

(Colossians 3:20-21)

In a family a child learns how to feel about himself, which will ultimately determine how he feels about others. Thus the Bible stresses the need for constant and daily love and affirmation. As a child's self-esteem is at stake, discipline is administered in the framework of love, not hate.

(Ephesians 6:1-4)

The Bible presents the lives of real people like ourselves, complete with weaknesses and strengths. There are wars waged and marriages broken by unfaithfulness, and people who have built their lives on material things. When children are taught that love is more enduring than hate, and that forgiveness has more power than vengeance, they are presented with the real world. Otherwise, children may buy false assumptions of the plastic world with its superficial appeal.

Many parents find these Biblical principles to be the solid anchors to keep the family from shifting amidst the changing currents of time.

There are no magic push-buttons or workable slogans on raising children in the 21st Century."

(source unknown)

A Few Steps To Prevent Family Burn-Out:

"Don't let differences of opinion develop into a battle of the wills where one must lose in order for the other to win. Rather, use differences as opportunities to grow as a family.

Don't let family roles be so rigid and sterotyped that you cannot buffer each other during times of need or illness.

Don't focus on your own rights, or constantly evaluate whether or not you're getting enough out of family relationships. Rather, seek to unconditionally love and minister to each other.

Don't minimize your mistakes. Acknowledge sin and ask for forgiveness.

Don't maximize mistakes. Don t repeatedly throw things up to your spouse such as: "You're just like your mother." Or, "I'll never forgive you for what you did to me ten years ago."

Don't assume everyone in the family makes mistakes but you.

Don't give up when you're exhausted, instead, try to get some rest at home. Or take a brief vacation away from home. It's preferable to be away from your family for a little while than to reach the point of feeling compelled to escape family pressures permanently.

Don't hesitate to seek counseling if difficult overwhelming problems develop. God has given us Christian counselors so we can gain insight regarding problem areas....."
(source unknown)


"PARADE Magazine ran an article listing the tragic deaths of some of the music world's greatest "stars."

Brian Jones, Rolling Stones guitarist, drowned in 1969 at age 26 while under the influence of liquor and drugs.

Janis Joplin, singer, died in 1970 at age 27 of heroin overdose.

Jimi Hendrix, guitarist-singer, died in 1970 at age 27 after an overdose of sleeping pills.

Jim Morrison, singer, leader of The Doors, died in 1971 at age 27 of apparent heart attack, but was a heavy drinker.

Elvis Presley, singer, died in 1977 at age 42, ostensibly of a heart attack, but was addicted to a wide variety of drugs.

Keith Moon, drummer for The Who, died in 1978 at age 32 from an overdose of drugs.

Sid Vicious, guitarist for Sex Pistols, died in 1979 at age 21 from an overdose of heroin.

Malcolm Owen, singer with The Ruts, died at 24 in 1980 of a heroin overdose.

John Bonham, drummer for Led Zeppelin, died in 1980 after downing 40 shots of Vodka in twelve hours.

John Belushi, singer of The Blues Brothers, died at age 33 in 1982, speedballing, mixing cocaine and heroin.

The message here is clear. Money, drugs, alcohol, and attaining stardom do not give a person any lasting satisfaction. Janis Joplin was quoted to have said once, "I'm so scared of losing it all, so afraid it won't last... I'm goin' to live it up." She did "live it up" and now she is dead.

Young person, drugs and alcohol destroy not only brain cells, but entire lives. The Bible says you were made in the image of God. You are His creation. Because of this, He knows you better than you know yourself. He, and only He, is capable of meeting your every need.

Putting your faith, trust, belief in Jesus Christ does not mean you are joining a club or organization. Jesus Christ wants to have a personal, living relationship with you. He wants to talk with you, help you, guide and fulfill your life.

Prayer is simply talking with God. You can ask Him right now to come into your life and make you the person He created you to be.

John Lennon once said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ, and already John Lennon is gone. Jesus Christ died too, on a cross for you and your sin, but HE rose from the dead saying, "Because I live, you may live also." Jesus offers you real life, both now and throughout eternity. The choice to receive that life is yours."

"Knowing that I am a sinner and fall short of God's glory, and believing that Jesus Christ died on a cross for my sins and that He rose again from the dead, I now accept Jesus as my personal Saviour and Lord. By His grace I will confess Him before men. living a Christian life."

Quoted from The Answer, the newsletter of the International Christian Ministries of the Mission To Children, April 1984, Volume 14 Number 4, page 2.

The Real Story of The "Old Rugged Cross"

"On Easter Sunday thousands of voices in the sunrise services around the world will welcome Easter morning with the beloved hymn, "THE OLD RUGGED CROSS."

This gospel song is considered a real sentimental favorite of Christians and non-Christians alike. In surveys it consistently rates as the best loved hymn. Its message cuts across economics and language barriers. To the lonely, the friendless, and the homesick, it has a very special meaning.

Although the hymn is well known, the facts about its composition are less familiar. Few people recognize the name of its composer, George Bennard. He was a school dropout at the age of 15 and secured a job as a coal miner. Later he joined the Salvation Army and served as a drummer for a time before becoming an evangelist where his devoted ministry was highly esteemed.

In spite of the fact that he had no formal musical education, he composed more than 300 songs. During his lifetime his compositions brought him little income and only small recognition. He was born into poverty, and died in 1958 relatively an unknown.

The composing of the hymn, "THE OLD RUGGED CROSS," was neither quick or easy to write. There have been several versions published about when, where, and how he composed this song. Bennard said he had the melody and theme for some time before he was satisfied with "finding the right words." He had passed through a traumatic experience which caused him to reflect seriously about the significance of the cross� he was convinced that the cross was more than just a religious symbol, but rather the very heart of the Gospel.

His wife said, "He started writing the first verse in 1912 and polished it up over the next two years. The last three verses were written over a longer period of time as he traveled from place to place preaching the Gospel, often spending hours perfecting the words and meaning of the verses. The completed version was finally finished in the kitchen of our home in Albion, Michigan, as he sang the entire four verses accompanying himself with his guitar."

For this itinerant preacher and sacred poet, one of his greatest thrills was riding on "The Old Rugged Cross" float in the 1953 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. Near the front of the float was a flower-covered organ on which he played his famous song for the largest live audience of his lifetime. Another highlight in his life was when the Chamber of Commerce erected a 20 foot rough-hewn cross near his Michigan home in his honor.

At the age of 85 the great composer died exchanging his "cross for a crown." Many recalled his delightful sense of humor and his twinkling blue eyes. He was unselfish with his time and energy and was as enthusiastic when his audience was small as when it was large. He often said he preferred to be remembered as a minister of the Gospel rather than a composer. "Hymn writing is just a runner-up," he said. No sermon he preached, however, exerted such far-reaching influence as "THE OLD RUGGED CROSS;" It is his finest sermon� his greatest memorial."


"On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,
The emblem of suffering and shame;
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best
For a world of lost sinners was slain.

So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,
Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.

Oh, that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,
Has a wondrous attraction to me;
For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above
To bear it to dark Calvary.

In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine,
A wondrous beauty I see;
For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died
To pardon and sanctify me.

To the old rugged cross I will ever be true,
Its shame and reproach gladly bear;
Then He'll call me some day to my home far away,
Where His glory forever I'll share."

�George Bennard
Quoted from The Answer, the newsletter of the International Christian Ministries of the Mission To Children, April 1984, Volume 14 Number 4, page 3.

by R.A. Torrey

"I was standing before the window of an art store where a picture of the Crucifixion of our Lord was on exhibition. As I gazed, I was conscious of the approach of another, and turning beheld a little lad gazing also intently at this picture. Noticing that this mite of humanity was a sort of street Arab, I thought I would speak to him; so I asked, pointing to the picture. "Do you know who He is?"

"Yes," came the quick response; "that's our Saviour," with a mingled look of pity and surprise that I should not know what the picture represented.

With an evident desire to enlighten me further, he continued after a pause: "Them's the soldiers, the Roman soldiers," and, with a drawn of sigh, "that woman crying there is His mother."

He waited, apparently for me to question him further, then thrust his hands in his pockets, and with a reverent and subdued voice and tear-stained face added, "They killed Him, mister. Yes, sir, they killed Him."

I looked at the little, dirty, ragged fellow and asked, "Where did you learn this?"

He replied, "At the Mission Sunday School."

Full of thoughts regarding the benefits of Mission Sunday Schools, I turned and resumed my walk, leaving the little lad still looking at the picture. I had not walked a block when I heard his childish treble calling, "Mister! say, mister!" I turned. He was running toward me but paused; then up went his little hand, and with a triumphant sound in his voice and now radiant face, he said, "I wanted to tell you: HE ROSE AGAIN."

His message delivered, he smiled, waved his hand, turned and went his way feeling, I presume, that as he had been enlightened, he had done his duty in enlightening another. What a challenge to every one of us!"
Quoted from The Answer, the newsletter of the International Christian Ministries of the Mission To Children, April 1984, Volume 14 Number 4, page 4.

An Opportunity to help
(Reading Evangelism)

by Wayne W. Galvin

"A major problem encountered by missionaries and evangelists all over the world, is that of illiteracy. While it is possible to reach a person with the gospel of Jesus Christ without their knowing how to read, it is difficult to establish any self-perpetuating work apart from the people being able to read the Bible for themselves. Over the past years, a great deal of Christian missionary effort has been expended in teaching people, so that they might be able to read the Word of God.

Unfortunately, most of this effort has been concentrated in those areas of the world where the majority of people are illiterate. While other areas, such as Mexico, Latin, or South America, as well as areas in Asia, where the literacy rate is only about 50%, are often passed over. This is an unfortunate condition, because the people in these areas that read can teach others to read also, if they only had the materials to help them to do so.


Literacy and Evangelism, Inc., (LEI) under the directorship of Reverend Bob Rice, is addressing this problem actively. They produce Biblically oriented primers. These primers are used by persons with little or no formal experience in teaching, to teach others to read, and to understand what they read. These primers are specifically oriented toward the Word of God. They introduce biblical characters and concepts very early. They are a tremendous tool of evangelism, not only to reach people with the message of the gospel, but to aid them in growing into Christian maturity afterward.

In Latin America alone, more than half the adult population is illiterate. Although most of these people have the Scriptures printed in their language, less than half of them can read. In Mexico alone, there are over ten million adults who can neither read nor write. This is nearly one quarter of the population of Mexico. Nearly every church in Mexico has a need for some sort of a literacy program.


Furthermore, governments who are otherwise neutral or unfavorable to a gospel ministry, are open to missionaries or programs that help people learn to read. This is true in nearly all the non-Communist nations in the world today. What an opportunity!

The Bible primers produced by Literacy and Evangelism are small, minimum cost, four by six inch booklets. After some introductory training they are given to people to study on their own. These Bible content primers are very popular because they are easy to teach and learn from.


In churches in the various countries, Literacy and Evangelism has set up training seminars to teach those in the church who can read, how to teach others who cannot, through the use of these primers. The success has been phenomenal. Even people who are not interested in the gospel want to learn to read. If there is an easy method whereby their friends can teach them, they will enter in enthusiastically. Often, the teachers are able to lead those they are teaching to the Lord, using these Bible primers.


Many pastors of churches in these areas cannot read. They will have someone in their congregation who can, read a portion from the Bible, and then the pastor will preach on what has been read. Using these primers and someone from their congregation who can read, these pastors are soon able to comprehend the scriptures for themselves. What a blessing!


Another aspect of this particular ministry is reaching into the prisons in these countries. Here men languish, and boredom is a serious problem. Prison workers find great success in setting up Literacy Evangelism among the prisoners in jails and penitentiaries.

This is truly a great opportunity in a unique ministry;


As we see the darkness of the non-democratic world closing over many of these Latin American countries, we feel a great urgency for this ministry. Only through establishing mature Christians in these places, can the Church continue to grow and prosper when we are no longer allowed to send missionaries into these areas of the world."

This article was quoted from The Life Messenger Newsletter, published by Life Messengers, November 1980, Volume 36 Issue 11, pages 1 and 2. The corporate ministry of Life Messengers no longer exists but LEI does still exist:

Literacy & Evangelism International:
Literacy & Evangelism International ("LEI") strives to promote literacy and knowledge of the message and ministry of Jesus Christ to all people both within and without the US. LEI is a missionary fellowship, Christians from various nations and denominations, drawn together by a passion for God and compassion for people who cannot yet read the Word of God. LEI desires to see the Church in every nation effectively reaching the illiterate, bringing them the Living Word, Jesus Christ, through enabling them to read the written Word of God. LEI assists Christian groups worldwide by helping them to create Bible-content adult literacy primers and new reader materials in needed languages. Each year LEI have Literacy or ESL Consultants traveling around the world in ministry. LEI go anywhere in the world, at the invitation of established Christian organizations, to assist them in primer construction and training their people for literacy evangelism or ESL evangelism ministry. Literacy & Evangelism International has assisted 140 Christian groups in 42 countries, working in over 150 languages. This organization is a nonprofit. Contributions to it are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. It is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)."

Robert Rice (no relation to Kraig J. Rice) wrote a book about this challenge:
"Rice, Robert. 1989.Firm foundations in learning to read English. Tulsa, OK: Literacy and Evangelism International. 64 pages. 1877596140. Location: Dallas SIL Library 374.012 R497f. Interest level: general.

The Society now holds many literacy workshops across the country at which people acquire the necessary skills to use the primers to both teach literacy and foster knowledge of the Scriptures.

Short testimonies from international literacy workers recently trained by LEI will be presented in other classes as requested."
The above article quoted from the web. Web address is

Rules For Your Bible Garden


Squash gossip.
"And the tongue is afire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell"
(James 3:6).

Squash criticism.
"Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?"
(Matthew 7:4).

Squash indifference.
"The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son. And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come."

Again, he sent forth other servants, saying... "all things are ready: come unto the marriage. But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise"
(Matthew 22:1-5)


Let us be unselfish and loyal.
"Then said Jesus unto his disciples. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me"
(Matthew 16:24).

Let us be faithful to duty.
"And he said unto him. Well done, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities"
(Luke 19:17).

Let us search the Scriptures.
"These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so"
(Acts 17:11).

Let us not be weary in well-doing.
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not"
(Galatians 6:9).

Let us be obedient in all things.
"Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him"
(John 14:23).

Let us love one another.
"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God"
(1 John 4:7).


"Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God"
(2 Corinthians 7:1).

"Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waitethfor the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain"
(James 5:7).

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord"
(1 Corinthians 15:58).


Turn up for church, prayer meeting, Bible study.
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching"
(Hebrews 10:25).

Turn up with a smile even when things are difficult.
"A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones"
(Proverbs 17:22).

Turn up with determination to do your best for God's cause.
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service"
(Romans 12:1).

"But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen"
2 Peter 3:18

"Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness"
2 Corinthians 9:10

"That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works"
2 Timothy 3:17

(This article is available in tract form.)"
The Gospel Tract Society Harvester, August 2006, Page 14


"I was inspecting communications facilities in Alaska. Since I had little experience in flying in small planes, I was nervous when we approached a landing strip in a snow-covered area. The pilot descended to just a couple hundred feet, then gunned both engines, climbed, and circled back. While my heart pounded, the passenger beside me seemed calm.

"I wonder why he didn't land," I said.

"He was checking to see if the landing strip was plowed," the man said.

As we made a second approach, I glanced out the window. "It looks plowed to me," I commented.

"No," my seatmate said. "It hasn't been cleared for some time."

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"Because," the man informed me, "I'm the guy who drives the plow."
The Gospel Tract Society Harvester, August 2006, Page 9


"My boy," said a father to his son, "treat everybody with politeness, even those who are rude to you; remember, you show courtesy to others, not because they are gentlemen, but because you are one."
The Gospel Tract Society Harvester Aug 2006 Page 9


"The Moderationist says:
"Alcoholism is a disease." Some others say:

"Alcoholism is a poison men take into the mouth to steal away the brain."

strong drink was "more destructive than war, pestilence and famine."

it was "the devil in solution."

it was a "public, permanent agency of degradation."

it was "a cancer in human society, eating out its vitals and threatening its destruction."

it was "distilled damnation."

it was "an artist in human slaughter."

8. RUSKIN said
it was "the most criminal and artistic method of assassination ever invented by the bravos of any age or nation."

"drunkenness has killed more men than all of history's wars."

"My experience through life has convinced me that abstinence from spiritous liquors iS the best safeguard to morals and health."

"he who drinks is deliberately disqualifying himself for advancement."

the beverage alcohol business "tends to lawlessness on the part of those who conduct it and to criminality on the part of those who patronise it."

it was "the most ruinous and degrading of human pursuits."

that it "tends to produce idleness, disease, pauperism and crime."

15. GOD Said
"Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder"
(Proverbs 23:31-32).

This article quoted from
The Bible Friend, the newsletter of Osterhus Pub. House, December 1986
Unknown Author

Sometimes GOD is Waiting
By Marilyn J. Nelson

"Therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him"
(Isaiah 30:18).

When you find yourself caught in a web of affliction and trouble, the most natural thing in the world is to seek every means possible by human effort to "get out" of your difficulty. This is normal and not to be condemned. If it's illness, God surely can and does use doctors to accomplish His purposes at times, but then He may have something else in mind, too.

He is a great enough God not to have to limit Himself to a specific method and that goes without saying.

"Thou broughtest us into the net; thou laidst affliction upon our loins. Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place"
(Psalm 66:11, 12). You may have to learn the hard way (as I did), that if God is the one who brought you into the net, only He can bring you out.

He knows� oh, how He knows� how to arrange circumstances so that there is no other way of help or deliverance possible except through and by Him. If this is the case, knowing certain truths in one's heart of hearts will prevent one from living in total despair and fear.

One all-embracing fact is that God is in full control of every situation and circumstance. Not a sparrow falls to the ground without His permission and likewise, not a hair falls from your head either. (The hairs on your head ARE numbered by the Lord.) Nothing happens by chance or accident in the life of the believer, except such instances wherein one is reaping what he has sown.

Learn to "give heed to His reproof ... He will make His words known unto you"
(Proverbs 1:23). And though He delay His help ... He never comes too late. Remember Lazarus? The sisters thought Jesus came too late, but He arrived on the scene according to God's timetable and thereby the answer brought more glory to the Father AND to Jesus.

It's been said: "It's safe to go by God's clock; it keeps perfect time though it may not be our time." Trust God . . . help is on the way. He'll never fail you when you have faith."
This article quoted from
The Bible Friend, the newsletter of Osterhus Pub. House, December 1986

By Ted W. Engstrom

"Winston Weaver, the new chairman of the board of World Vision, U.S., is one of the best examples of the axiom that one person can make a difference. Although he's listed in Who's Who in America, Winston Weaver doesn't go around grabbing headlines, and that's why I want to tell you about him.

For a good part of his life, Winston Weaver thought that all good things came though hard work and long hours. Of course he acquired that naturally. Born along Muddy Creek near the Shenandoah Mountains, young Winston watched his father work in a creamery by day and, at night, in other jobs such as selling radios. High school included two years of grinding 16-mile-a-day bicycle rides over the hilly roads to Harrisonburg. And the no-frills, nose-to-the-grindstone Mennonite farmers in the valley soberly encouraged such discipline.

After college Winston set out to prove that hard work brings success. He went to work at a small construction company his father had begun before World War II and often put in 12-18 hour days. He worked nine years with one week of vacation. He drove himself, setting an example for the people around him, and the Rockingham Construction Co. prospered.

Then one day, suddenly, Winston's father was rushed to the hospital. He died with Winston at his side. And with that the world of work Winston Weaver had built around himself fell apart.

Winston had heard the gospel since childhood, and had accepted Christ as his Savior. But he saw Christianity as one sphere of his life; he didn't let it intrude on the others, especially into his business except as an example of operating on highest Christian principles.

Until his father's death. Then, after three days of asking himself what life is all about, he lay with his face to the floor and committed himself and his business to the Lord as vehicles for service to God and humanity. He made no great announcement of it. But from that day on, a new Winston Weaver emerged with new purposes for living and working.

About that time Winston heard one Christian leader say, "The only ability God requires is availability." He told the Lord he was available. So when in 1963 World Vision board chairman Dick Halverson asked him to travel with him to the Far East, he took eight weeks off and did it.

Soon he found himself taking more and more time away from the construction business. We asked him to join the World Vision board in 1964, and when we needed a project manager to build a hospital in Cambodia, he was available. It took many trips, but today it stands as the only pediatric hospital in the country (now Kampuchea), and it rarely has an empty bed.

Other assignments followed that one. On one trip when returning from Cambodia he came by way of Vietnam to help his daughter-in-law bring six orphans from the inferno of war. He traveled also to Poland, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Taiwan, Korea, and other countries� all on his own time and at his own expense� to relieve some need or suffering.

Other causes also beckoned. At home he took leadership roles in United Way, Rotary, the Cancer Society and Mental Health Association. Meanwhile his business steadily grew.

Winston Weaver still works hard. When he's not traveling for World Vision or putting in extra hours at the office, you might find him organizing a prayer breakfast or speaking to a group about world needs. He knows the numbers well and he lays them out before the audience� ten million homeless people; 15 million children die each year; over 40,000 die each day. Then he adds, "They die one at a time, so you help them one at a time. You do what you can do."

Perhaps, more than anything else, that's what I've learned as I've watched Winston Weaver's life for 23 years. We do what we can do. That's all the Lord expects. Look only at the big picture and we soon sink in the rut of despair. Look at one child in El Salvador or one family in Sudan or one village in Bangladesh, however, and we can get a small but firm handle on the elusive problem of poverty.

One person can make a difference. We hear the phrase so often that the truth of it tends to fade. But if we turn from the general statement to the particular case of Winston Weaver, we can see a demonstration of it in real life."
This article quoted from
WORLD VISION Newsletter, FEBRUARY-MARCH 1987, page 23
Ted W. Engstrom, President

God Has An "Indescribable" Gift For You
By William E. Allen

"Paul the apostle calls Jesus Christ God's "indescribable gift"
(2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV). Words are inadequate to define His worth or His benefits to us.

If someone were to offer you a Christmas present and your hands were filled with something else, how would you receive the gift? You first have to put down what you were holding. Then you could take the gift.

You and I and all other people in our world are sinners by birth and by choice. Our hands are filled with sin. We must put down the sin we are holding in order to take God's Gift of Christ Jesus. We must be willing to give up sin, to turn away from it. The Bible calls this repentance.

Paul preached "repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ"
(Acts 20:21). God hates our sin, but He loves us sinners.

Repent of your sins, receive Christ Jesus as your Savior� God's indescribable Gift."
This article quoted from the
The Bible Friend, the newsletter of Osterhus Pub. House, December 1986

Moody's "Saints" Stayed in Church
By Viola Walden

"At a church where D. L. Moody was invited to preach, he was warned that some of the congregation usually left before the end of the sermon.

When Mr. Moody rose to begin his sermon, he announced, "I am going to speak to two classes of people this morning: first to the sinners, and then to the saints."

He proceeded to address the "sinners" for awhile, then said they could leave. For once every member of the congregation stayed to the end of the sermon."
This article quoted from the
The Bible Friend, the newsletter of Osterhus Pub. House, December 1986

Only a Boy
By unknown author

"The old Scots minister climbed wearily into the pulpit. Bowed and dejected, he had just faced the harsh criticism of one of his deacons. "Sir, there is something radically wrong with your ministry. Only one person has been saved this year, and he is only a boy."

The words stung him, for he too felt heart-broken that so few had responded to the Gospel; yet still he trusted God for the results.

The service concluded, but the weary man of God lingered on in the church, wondering if there was any point in continuing in the ministry. A young lad saw him and waited behind.

"Please, sir..."

"Yes, Robert?"

"Do you think if I worked hard for my education that I could ever become a preacher?"

"God bless you, my boy," replied the old man with tears in his eyes. "Yes, I think you will become a preacher!"

It was years later that an elderly missionary came back to London from Africa. He had pushed back the boundaries of geographical knowledge and brought savage chiefs under the influence of the Gospel of Peace, given tribes the Bible in their own tongues; but most of all, he had followed the Lord with all his heart.

Robert Moffat� "only a boy," won to Christ by a tired old man� had become a soul winner!

On one visit to England. Robert told of the need of Africa. Among those who heard him that day was a young Scottish medical student who had given his life to God for missionary service. Robert Moffat's words pierced his heart: "There is a vast plain to the north where I have sometimes seen, in the morning sun, the smoke of a thousand villages where no missionary has ever been."

Filled with the vision of what God wanted him to do, the student asked Mr. Moffat, "Would I do for Africa?" The direction of David Livingstone's life had been changed.

Who can tell what impact was made through the ministry of the first old Scotsman? "Only a boy" it seemed� yet far-off generations and tribes knew the effect of it.

You never know what God is doing and can do through your witness. Do not be discouraged. But trust and pray on!"
This article quoted from the
The Bible Friend, the newsletter of Osterhus Pub. House, December 1986

Self Sacrificing Love
By Dr. George Mundell

"I Corinthians 13:4-8:

1. Self-sacrificing love never gets impatient. (Verse 4)
2. Self-sacrificing love never gets jealous. (Verse 4)
3. Self-sacrificing love never boasts. (Verse 4)
4. Self-sacrificing love never gets conceited. (Verse 4)
5. Self-sacrificing love never gets rude, discourteous, or unmannerly. (Verse 5)
6. Self-sacrificing love never gets selfish. (Verse 5)
7. Self-sacrificing love never gets irritated, touchy or resentful. (Verse 5)
8. Self-sacrificing love never thinks an unkind thought or pays attention to a
          suffered wrong. (Verse 5)
9. Self-sacrificing love never is happy with sin or injustice. (Verse 6)

1. Self-sacrificing love is always kind. (Verse 4)
2. Self-sacrificing love is always happy in the truth. (Verse 6)
3. Self-sacrificing love is always gracious, overlooking faults
          in others. (Verse 7)
4. Self-sacrificing love is always confident in the Word, believing
          the best in others. (Verse 7)
5. Self-sacrificing love is always strong in faith. (Verse 7)
6. Self-sacrificing love is always long suffering. (Verse 7)
7. Self-sacrificing love is always victorious. (Verse 8)

1. Self-sacrificing love never worries.
2. Self-sacrificing love never criticizes, murmurs, or complains
3. Self-sacrificing love never gets discouraged.
4. Self-sacrificing love always covers with silence."

This article quoted from the
The Bible Friend, the newsletter of Osterhus Pub. House, December 1986

A Message On Hope titled "Victory"
By David Buttram

"Ordinarily the word hope is such a hopeless word. We talk about hope generally when we are at the end of our tether, when we are afraid and anxious.

But the real, living hope that Christians have is far different. It is the knowledge that everything in life, in death, and in the next life is certain to end in victory.

This hope is based on the greatest fact of history- the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

The Christian knows that the events of this life, including the sorrows and reverses, will never conquer him. No earthly circumstance can destroy the hope that the resurrection of Jesus gives to those who believe in it.

You ask, "How can you believe all this when you live in the 21st century? Isn't this "hopelessly" naive?"

The answer is simply, "I do not have this hope because I understand it so well, but I have this hope because I believe in Jesus Christ. My faith is locked in on Him. Whenever a part of my heart begins to waver, I look at Him again, and then I am assured that it is true.

"There are no rational proofs. There is no scientific proof either. This is something that transcends our reason. Jesus is the living proof of it. He is the one who makes all our wisdom look like foolishness. I know that my Redeemer liveth, and because He lives, I too shall live."

Our world is a world of incurable sicknesses, broken homes, wretched marriages, racial hatreds, and private terrors- in short, a world of death.

Jesus rose from His grave and God now tells you that it is possible for you to rise from yours if you believe in Him.

Have you had your own private Easter? Have you had the experience of having this living hope born within you? God today is calling you. When you believe this, there is born within your heart a living hope that tells you there is Victory in Jesus Christ who has conquered death for you."
This tract quoted from the
Gospel Tract Harvester, February 1987, page 12
(This tract and other Easter tracts are available now from them.)

American Christian Forefathers
A Word From The Heart

by Richard Wheeler (Little Bear)

"Back in 1777, the bleak reality of a cold, lonely, miserable Christmas set into the minds of a disappointed American Army led by a heavy hearted general named George Washington. There at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, George Washington and his forlorn, disorganized Continental Army suffered their greatest trial, a trial of endurance through a long bitter-cold winter apart from friends and family.

In early December, 1777, General William Howe had put his British troops into winter quarters in comfortable Philadelphia. Washington, meanwhile, had encamped his 10,000 troops on the snow and ice-covered slope of a low hill next to Valley Forge. What a contrast between generals: one in comfort by a large, warm fireplace and one in front of a damp, outdoor fire. But Washington learned threefold a secret early in life that stood him well during difficult times:
1) to trust in the Lord,
2) to make sacrifices, and
3) to pray.

His mind raced back to his mother's last words before he left home to serve his country. She held him, as mothers do to children no matter their age, and said, "Remember that God only is our sure trust. To Him I commend you." Then she added, "My son, neglect not the duty of secret prayer." The extensive notes on the margins of his prayer-tilled notebook indicate that Washington heeded his mother's advice.

Now among his men at Valley Forge, Washington was seeing them starve to death, eating "Johnny Cakes" of half-cooked, flour/water paste cooked on rocks by fires and observing them ill-clad, destitute of shoes and clothing. Bloody snow-worn"! paths drove him to the nearby woods to cry out to God for his mercy and grace. He prayed daily to Almighty God for his men. His prayers, like Jesus's in the Garden, were deep, loud groans with sobs of helplessness.

Washington himself wrote later, "No history now extant can furnish an instance of an Army's suffering such uncommon hardships as ours has done and bearing them with the same patience and fortitude. To see men without clothes to cover their nakedness, without blankets to lie on, without shoes (for the want of which their marches might be traced by the blood from their feet). . .and submitting without a murmur, is proof of patience and obedience, which in my opinion, can scarce be paralleled."

By February, men began to dissolve, disperse, and starve; 400 a month. . . a total of 2,500 from starvation, exposure, and diseases, like bloody dysentery, scurvy and lung infections. At the end of 1777, 2,000 soldiers simply went home because enlistments were expired. By May, 1778, only about 4,000 of the 10,000 were left.

Were Washington's prayers of no use? Not according to Isaac Potts, General Washington's temporary landlord. Potts was a Quaker and a pacifist who one day noticed Washington's horse tied to a tree in a secluded grove of trees not far from his headquarters. Hearing a voice, he approached quietly and saw the General on his knees at prayer. He stood motionless, feeling he was on "Holy Ground" until Washington finished his prayers. When Washington rode away, Mr. Potts hurriedly returned to the house to tell his wife, Sarah. He said, "If Washington be not a man of God, I am greatly deceived � and still more shall I be deceived if God does not, through him, work out a great salvation for America." Yes, indeed, Washington at prayer to an almighty God during Christmas and on through the long, cold, winter brought about such a salvation and deliverance for us Americans.

Let's remember to avail ourselves daily in secret prayer and to seek the Lord continually, not only in difficult times, but just as importantly in times of peace, for the preservation of that peace for our children and the nation of America. Teach your children the example of General Washington this Christmas before they open their presents. Tell of the sacrifice of a Child who came to a manger, suffered, died, and rose for the salvation of a world, and of a general who loved and knew the Christ Child and followed His example.

The pity of public, secular, humanistic education is that it has labored in presenting history from a godless perspective, using mere chance, luck and unforeseen circumstances in place of divine Providence. Who do children look up to for leadership when many of our forefathers are inaccurately portrayed as deists whose relationship to God and the world's Savior, Jesus, is shallow or practically non-existent?

A good friend of ours, Marshall Foster, of the Mayflower Institute, told me once that while he was filming some footage at George Washington's former home, Mt. Vemon, and speaking about Washington's Christian convictions, a Mt. Vemon staff member interjected that Washington was not a Christian. Mr. Foster testified that the historical record proves otherwise. Faced by the written facts she stood silent. An example of the written facts are several prayers that George Washington wrote in his twenties. They filled a 24-page manuscript entitled Daily Sacrifice. Here is one of 24 pages from his book:

"Direct my thoughts, words and work. Wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the Lamb, and purge my heart by Thy Holy Spirit.... Daily frame me more and more into the likeness of Thy Son, Jesus Christ."

Thank God that our forefathers were people who wrote, otherwise the history of our nation in our time would not appear as His-Story, but only a faded past, a form without body, soul and spirit.

"THE GREATEST THING anyone can do for God and man is pray. It is not the only thing, but it is the chief thing. The great people of earth are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer; nor those who say they believe in prayer; nor yet those who can explain about prayer; but I mean those people who take time to pray."
-S.D. GORDON, 1898 A.D."

This article quoted from the
American Heritage Ministries newsletter, Portland, Oregon, 1986, pages 1-3

Jesus� All Things To All People
By David Buttram

"To the artist, He is The One Altogether Lovely.
To the architect. He is The Chief Cornerstone.
To the astronomer. He is The Bright and Morning Star.
To the baker, He is The Living Bread.
To the banker, He is The Hidden Treasure.
To the biologist, He is The Life.
To the carpenter, He is The Sure Foundation.
To the doctor, He is The Great Physician.
To the editor, He is The Good Tidings of Great Joy.
To the educator, He is The Great Teacher.
To the farmer, He is The Lord of the Harvest.
To the florist, He is The Lily of the Valley and The Rose of Sharon.
To the geologist, He is The Rock of Ages.
To the gardener, He is The True Vine.
To the jeweler, He is The Pearl of Great Price.
To the judge, He is The Righteous Judge.
To the juror, He is The True Witness.
To the laborer, He is The Giver of Rest.
To the printer, He is The True Type.
To the servant, He is The Good Master.
To the student, He is The Incarnate Truth.
To the sinner, He is The Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world.
To the Christian, He is The Son of the Living God, our Savior, our Redeemer and Lord!"

This article quoted from the
The Gospel Tract Harvester Newsletter, February 2003, Page 16

Jesus Is Coming� Are You Ready?
By Muriel Larson

"When Ronald Reagan, America's former president, was interviewed by a newspaper man, he spoke to him about the Prophet Ezekiel. "He had just been reading an article by a Christian leader," reported the news man, "that compared the prophecies of Ezekiel with events in the Middle East today."

Many Biblical prophecies have come true in recent decades. Israel became a nation in 1948. European countries have united; Jews and Arabs can find no peace. The kings of the East have gained power, and China is now a super power. (Check the Book of Revelation.)

Thanks to advanced technology, millions of people all over the world are now hearing, reading, and seeing the good news of Christ's salvation in their own languages. Many long-closed doors have been opened, thanks largely to former President Ronald Reagan.

Through worldwide satellite television the prophecy found in
Revelation 11:3-10 is finally possible: all the world will be able to see the dead bodies of God's two prophets lying in the street in Jerusalem. Thanks to computer technology, the "mark of the beast" can be implanted in the hand or forehead of every person who will take it. Thanks to the world banking system in place, no one will be able to buy or sell without that mark. According to
Revelation 14:9-11, all those who take that mark will be condemned to God's judgment and wrath.

Many Christians have awaited Jesus' Second Coming for years. They may be tempted to ask, as did those in Peter's day, "Where is the promise of his coming"
(1 Peter 3:4). We who live today have more prophetical reasons than any who lived before us to expect Jesus Christ's imminent return. In speaking of the time of the end, the angel Michael told the prophet Daniel, "...many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased"
(Daniel 12:4b). In all the history of man, has knowledge ever increased in this world as amazingly as it has during this past 20th century?

The exact date of Christ's return to earth is not given us in God's Word. And I believe one reason has been so that Christians will expect His return at any time. Early in my Christian life, when that truth got home to me, I decided to try to live in such a way that I would not be ashamed for Jesus to come and find me doing or saying anything that might displease Him.

Jesus said, "Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not"
(Luke 12:40). Our time may be short- for getting saved or right with God, for winning lost loved ones, for making our lives count for the Lord. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today!"

This article quoted from the
The Gospel Tract Harvester Newsletter, February 2003, Page 15

Have you lost your first Love?
By David Buttram

"Do you remember that wonderful day when the Holy Spirit convicted you of your sins, and you bowed your head and your heart and you asked Jesus to forgive you and to save your soul?

Do you remember the joy that flooded your soul when you fully realized that you had passed from death unto life, and that through your new birth you had now become a member of God's family and a joint-heir with Christ?

Do you remember your great love for Jesus, as you fully realized the terrible agonizing pain He suffered on Calvary's Cross, as He took your sins and the sins of the whole world upon Himself, so that salvation was provided for all who would believe on Him and call on His Name?

Do you remember those first church services as a new Christian when you sang and praised God with all your heart, and you were blessed beyond measure as you saw others come to Christ for salvation?

Yes, I'm sure that you remember all the marvelous facts in regards to your own salvation, but let me ask you this, "Have you lost your first love?" Have you taken your eyes off of Jesus and put them on the things of this world? Have you forsaken the Lord by bowing down to false idols such as TV, or worshipping the many pleasures of this world more than the God of all creation? If this should be the case in your own life, then remember the great words of David, when he fully realized his great sin and he asked God's forgiveness. David pleaded. "Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation"
(Psalm 51:12). And we know that this same God that restored David's joy will do the same for you, if you come to Him with a contrite heart.

Second Chronicles 7:14 is a beautiful picture of God's love and grace as He proclaims: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin..." However, if the backslidden Christians will not humble themselves and seek forgiveness of sins, and sincerely desire to return to their first love, then they can surely expect the chastening hand of the Lord to punish them, for whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth. (Just as our earthly fathers spared not the rod when we were disobedient, our heavenly Father will spare not the rod.) Also God has told us in His word that all of us will have to give an account of all that we do, so it is imperative that we walk in the footsteps of Jesus, and be in the center of His will for our lives!

Surely every Christian's goal in life should be to please God, and it should be their prayer that someday they will hear these priceless words from the lips of Jesus, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant...enter thou into the joy of thy Lord"
(Matthew 25:21). But you can be sure that these marvelous words will never be said to the unfaithful, backslidden Christian. Then through all eternity they'll regret that they were denied this blessed prize, and the honor that goes with such recognition. However, the wonderful words in
1 John 1:9 tell us, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." So the door to God's grace is always open!

Friend, why not take an inventory of your life, as you read these words, and if the Holy Spirit convicts you that you are following Jesus afar off, then determine in your heart that from this moment on you are going to return to your first love.

Perhaps a prayer such as this might be your heart's desire: "Lord Jesus, like David of old, I want you to restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation. I acknowledge my sin and my unfaithfulness to serve You as I should, so have mercy on me. From this moment on I will seek to serve You with all my heart and mind and soul. I love You, and I will prove my love in all I say and do. Amen."
This article quoted from the
The Gospel Tract Harvester Newsletter, February 2003, Page 13
(This article is available in tract form from Gospel Tract Society)

God's Stop Signs
By Lois A. Kreider

"The church was filled with guests, and Sheila and John's marriage ceremony had begun.

In a short time the minister pronounced them husband and wife. As dedicated Christians, they are now serving the Lord together through their home, work, and church.

A week before the wedding, Sheila told me that during her high school years she had decided not to date non-Christian boys. She also said no to dances, R-rated movies, late night parties, and other activities she felt were not pleasing to God.

John, too, had often stood alone. He refused drugs, cigarettes, and alcoholic drinks that his classmates offered him.

God honored and rewarded Sheila and John for their purity and brought them together to become one, to begin a lasting and happy Christ-honoring home.

Establishing a happy home is the dream of every sensible young adult, but this doesn't just happen. God has given STOP signs in His Word, the Bible, for a happy marriage.

STOP. Keep yourself pure.

Purity begins in the heart. Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God"
(Matthew 5:8). This includes the posters on your wall, the books and magazines you read, the music you listen to, and even the words on the T-shirts you wear. It involves your whole life.

STOP. Remember your body belongs to God.

Intimate sexual relationships are for those who are married, not those who are going steady, or even engaged. When a guy says, "If you loved me you would have sex with me," he doesn't really love you. He is showing selfish lust, not love. "...the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord..."
(1 Corinthians 6:13b).

STOP. Date only those who are born-again Christians.

Choose friends to date who have high ideals and convictions, who are kind, thoughtful, mannerly, considerate of others, on time, and who dress neatly and modestly. Date those with religious beliefs that are similar to your own. A mate who is not a Christian at marriage can cause great heartache for you during your life together. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness"
(2 Corinthians 6:14).

STOP. Plan ahead for wholesome activities on your date.

Choose activities that will build you up spiritually, mentally, and physically. Avoid dances, un-Christian music, sexy movies and TV shows. Attend church activities together, start a Bible study group, see a nature or travel film, go to the zoo, work at a hobby, play outdoor and table games. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report...think on these things"
(Philippians 4:8).

STOP. Obey your parents.

The rules they make, such as coming home on time, are for your good. When you have a problem, make an honest attempt to talk it over with your parents. "Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord"
(Colossians 3:20).

STOP. Pray for God's leading and will for your life.

God is interested in who you marry. In His perfect timing He will lead you to the one who is to be your husband or wife and to a happy, lasting marriage. Never rush into a marriage because you are lonely. A hasty marriage seldom lasts. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths"
(Proverbs 3:5,6).

STOP. Turn to Jesus and away from sin in your life.

Christ promises forgiveness, peace, and happiness that the world can't ever give to you. If we really love Him, we will understand that His commandments are for our own good and long-range happiness. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"
(1 John 1:9).

STOP. You are not in this alone.

Jesus has given you a Guide, the Holy Spirit, and written instructions, the Bible. The "narrow way" of purity and walking with Jesus leads to happiness and endless joy, while the "broad way" of impurity and walking with Satan leads to sorrow and ultimately to eternal death, "...wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life..."
(Matthew 7:13, 14).

STOP. Be an example for Christ.

At home, church, school, camp, at work- wherever you are, stand tall for Jesus. You will be an encouragement to other Christians. Non-Christians will respect you even though they may not let you know. "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity"
(1 Timothy 4:12).

Approach your friendships with members of the opposite sex joyfully as a conscientious Christian. Let God lead you to a person with whom you can share a life of genuine happiness as He did with Sheila and John."
This article quoted from the
The Gospel Tract Harvester Newsletter, February 2003, Page 8
(This article is available in tract form from Gospel Tract Society)

"The devil came to Jesus in the wilderness and said, in essence, "Your task is to rule the world, isn't it? Well, all you have to do is to bow down and worship me. Then the whole deal is yours. Mission accomplished."

I am glad our Lord said "No" to the devil, aren't you?
Quoted from Pat Robertson's "No Other Gods Before Me."

If you have not already invited Jesus Christ to come to live inside of your heart then click on the above banner if you want to learn how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and receive spiritual encouragement in your heart and soul.

In some small way I hope that God has been able to encourage you through these articles.
shared with you by Kraig Josiah Rice

  • Newsletter Clippings Index

  • More encouragement when you are hurting

  • The 7 I Wills that God has promised you

  • How to overcome discouragement

  • Keep looking to God for deliverance

  • A Bible Study About Miracles
    Do you need a miracle to happen in your life? God still works miracles. Maybe He has one for you...

  • Testimonies
    Here are various testimonies that will help you with your faith.

  • You are the apple of God's eye

  • A Sample of Gospel Tract Society tracts
    A miscellaneous evangelism note:
    Grown men in Asia read comics. This is one way to reach them with the Gospel of Christ. The Gospel Tract Society has a great new comic book printed for evangelism purposes. Be sure to order a nice supply for the evangelistic outreach in your area. See the Gospel Tract Society website for details and be sure to include a generous contribution to them when you order their material. Bread On The Waters (BOW) does not print leaflet tracts.

    Newsletter Clippings (page 2)


    As of February 9, 2007