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Religious Concept Basis Of Nation's Birth Evangelicals Warned To Avoid "Success" Gospel
Homosexuality by Carole Massey-Reyner More Young People Move To Embrace Devil Worship Cults
How will you react to God's love? Definition of a Christian
A Marriage Built On Commitment Spanking is Rarely Necessary to Punish Children
Some Views on Tithing Moral State Concerns Three In Four Adults

Religious Concept Basis Of Nation's Birth

"The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP)- Although modern commentators sometimes argue about whether religion should have anything to do with politics, it was a religious concept that produced the nation itself.

That transcendent principle was the backbone of a document celebrated on July 4� the Declaration of Independence� which initiated the very nationhood that gives politics its life.

The declaration "ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God," wrote John Adams, one of its signers who became the country's second president.

He also suggested fireworks and parades would be in order, the sort of festivities that mark issuance of that formative document in 1776.

In its essential reasoning, it was a theological treatise, challenging the prevailing theory that kings inherited divine rule.

The justification that it sets forth for the birth of these United States was that human beings are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalianable Rights" that cannot be usurped by any other power. They belong inherently to people, rights derived from the "Laws of Nature and Nature's God," the declaration says, and they cannot be given nor taken away by any monarch or government.

On that basis, hinged to that high conviction, and "appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of Our Intentions." the founding fathers declared the independence of the 13 British colonies.

In doing so, they asserted their "firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence." Four times in that brief, ringing exposition of the cause for independence, the founders rested their case on God.

The signers were all religious men. Some of them such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were called "deists," who had little use for denominational rivalries and who considered their faith reasonable Christianity.

"Deism" generally consisted of affirmations that God created and sustained the natural world, that he is to be worshipped, that worship demands virtue, that wrongdoing should be repented and that there is an afterlife of rewards and punishments.

Jefferson, who largely wrote the declaration, was something of a biblical scholar who spent his evenings while serving as the nation's third president arranging the four gospels in sequential order and eliminating repetitions, a work known as "The Jefferson Bible."

"It is a document in proof that I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus," Jefferson wrote later.

As for denominational affiliations, the 56 signers of the declaration included 30 Anglicans (Episcopalians), 12 Congregationalists, seven Presbyterians, 4 Quakers, one Baptist, one Unitarian and one Roman Catholic.

The rationale of the declaration sometimes is attributed to influence of philosopher John Locke, who saw human rights grounded in "nature," as "natural rights." But he said nature itself "evidences a Deity," that life gets its direction from God's "great design."

The Continental Congress regularly opened its sessions with prayer, a practice still continued by the U.S. Congress.

In drafting the constitution, whose bicentennial is being observed this year, debate over it had virtually ground to a standstill in mid-summer of 1787, bogged down in wrangling conflict.

It was an "awful and critical moment," wrote William Few, a Georgia delegate, who said if the impasse was not resolved, the "dissolution of the union of states seemed inevitable."

In that crisis, Benjamin Franklin, 81, the oldest of delegates, took the floor, suggesting an humble "applying to the Father of Lights to illuminate our under standing."

"We have been assured, sir, in the sacred Writings, that "except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it," he added, "I have lived a long time, sir, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth� that God governs in the affairs of men."

"I firmly believe that, and I also believe that without his concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building not better than the builders of the tower of Babel."

In the ensuing discussion, Edmund Randolph of Virginia proposed a special sermon be preached on July 4, and from then on, there be daily intercessory prayers. It was done, and on September 17, 1787, the Constitution was approved.

George Washington, who served as the first president, said "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports."

Religion, said Jefferson, is the "alpha and omega of the moral law" and "a supplement to law in the government of men."

Alexis de Tocqueville, a French statesman and historian commissioned to analyze the special genius of the American system in its early stages, termed religion "the foremost of their political institutions."
This article quoted from the Stockton Record Newspaper, Stockton, Calif., July 4, 1987, page B-4.

Pride hides a multitude of sins
But only from oneself

Evangelicals Warned To Avoid "Success" Gospel

"COLUMBUS, OHIO� "The good news for us, is that this is the day of the evangelical," Edmund Robb, executive secretary of the Ed Robb Evangelistic Association, told the delegates at the 42nd annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals. But while evangelicals have come to the forefront of scholarship, business, and politics, they are in danger of failing at the height of such success, Robb warned the delegates.

Wealth, overconfidence in scholarship, loss of conviction, and faith solely grounded in man's ability to right social injustices, threaten the strength of the evangelical movement, he declared.

"The subtle temptations to acceptance and conformity can cause us to lose our integrity," Robb said. Instead, evangelicals should recognize the authority of Scripture, pray before acting, and worship Christ as Lord over life.

"The emphasis on health, peace of mind, and success to the neglect of discipleship, sacrifice, and the cross is heresy," Robb said. The desire to popularize the gospel and the temptation to sensationalize the message is one of the saddest developments in the contemporary evangelical world.

He went on to challenge evangelicals to be "faithful to our Lord...be consumed with a passion for souls, seek after holiness of heart and life, and go into the world to serve in the name of the risen Christ."

The crowd interrupted Robb with applause four times during his address when he criticized the acceptance of trends toward abortions, homosexuality, and racism clothed in political philosophy."
This article quoted from the Pentecostal Evangel Magazine, April 29, 1984, page 24

"I am not so concerned you have fallen but that you rise"
-Abraham Lincoln

by Carole Massey-Reyner

"No euphemisim alters anything"

We are being bombarded with homosexual hype by exposure to media-created, loaded phrases such as "sexual orientation," "gay," "homophobia" and "gender discrimination."

Homosexuality is being brilliantly marketed to portray homosexuals as an oppressed minority which needs special legal protection. Laws are being introduced; at breakneck speed to give special rights to homosexuals, who are already endowed with the identical rights to which every other citizen is entitled. Opinion-makers are attempting to mainstream a destructive lifestyle, to win public approval, and to re-define the family.

My husband and I recently spent a good deal of time and energy providing services and support to a second young friend dying of AIDS. We are tired of hearing false rhetoric about "homophobia." We're talking about sodomy, folks. Sodomite behavior not only results in AIDS but in a much higher incidence of drug addiction, alcoholism, tuberculosis and suicide than heterosexuals, not to mention gay bowel syndrome. The more accepting the locale to homosexual behavior, the higher the incidence of these diseases.

You alone can change things. Speak out. Act up."
This article quoted from the Lodi News Sentinel Newspaper, page A-8, no date

If you play with matches
You are likely to get burned
If you play around with Satan
You are likely to get possessed

More Young People Move To Embrace Devil Worship Cults
By Dennis Oliver

The Daily Review
"HAYWARD (California)� It's recess in a San Francisco schoolyard, but not all the children are playing. One girl sits alone, slicing skin from her arm with a razor blade, then watching herself bleed.

When counselors ask why, she tells them she worships the devil and cut herself in a self-mutilation ritual to gain her savior's approval.

The scene is not unusual. Experts say an increasing number of young people are getting involved in devil worship and the occult.

No one keeps statistics on the upsurge, but the story is told through a rising number of crimes such as animal mutilation and vandalism at churches and graveyards across the country.

"I'd say it is pretty much the "in thing" of the 1980s for young people to do," said San Francisco Police Department special intelligence officer Sandi Gallant, one of the country's leading experts on cult-related crime.

Experts believe many children who choose to identify with cults fashioned after more serious devil worshipers do so for attention, and most don't seriously believe what they claim.

As Gallant puts it, "The spiritual side is not as important to them."

Tom McFall will not forget what he found while sorting through son Kurt's belongings after the 17-year-old's battered body was found three years ago.

Among the bizarre scribbling on note paper and books dealing with the occult was a black leather bag. Inside were bird feathers, a candle, some rocks and a dagger with an animal's hoof attached to the handle.

"My son was involved in some kind of a cult," said McFall, of San Ramon. "I believe my son was murdered as part of some kind of ritual."

Still, a coroner's inquest lists events leading to the death as "unknown," and police didn't investigate the case as a homicide.

For McFall, reminders come too often about the likelihood his son's death was no accident.

Before the death, McFall had always considered his son to be a normal child. But curiosity and a keen interest in "psychic things" eventually got the best of him, McFall said.

On the evening of Sept. 10, 1984, Kurt McFall failed to make the agreed-upon call to his father after spending the weekend with a "friend" in San Francisco. By the time the call was to be made, Kurt was already dead.

Even before the body was found, however, Tom McFall learned some disturbing things.

A childhood friend revealed Kurt was involved in a cult that specialized in black magic. Kurt confided he thought cult members were trying to "control" him and he feared for his life.

There are other examples.

In Fremont (Calif.) two months ago, parents of a 16-year-old boy in trouble for drug abuse and battery told authorities they didn't know what to do with their child. They said he had a "Satan fantasy fascination and was involved in devil worship," said Ray L'Esperance, section supervisor for the Alameda County Juvenile Probation Department covering Southern Alameda County.

In Dublin (Calif.), a 16-year-old girl arrested in 1986 told authorities she belonged to a cult. She told of rituals performed in accordance with the phases of the moon, in which small animals were killed.

Authorities insist satanism and cult activities usually don't have a correlation with crimes children commit or the motives behind them. Rather, mention of satanism comes out after the children have emerged from the legal process or during an unrelated investigation.

According to experts, there are three types of satanists.

Some are legitimate satanists who attend satanic church services, but confine their religious activities to what the law will allow.

Others are self-styled satanists, which includes groups of youths who decide to create their own way of worshiping the devil through assorted means, including some petty illegal activities.

Thirdly, experts say, some satanists are more traditional cultists who engage in such horrifying activities as blood-letting, child molestation, animal sacrifices and sometimes human sacrifice."
This article quoted from the Lodi News Sentinel Newspaper, 1987
My Witchcraft Exposed Tract

Your reaction is based on your
not your

How will you react to God's love?
by Eldon L. Nice

"I grew up in the late '60s, the hippie era. I wasn't a hippie; I just had the long hair. In those days, there was the concept of "free love." There are many concepts of love. The teenager says, "I love you." What they often mean is "I'm infatuated by you." Love has been misunderstood by many.

The Bible says, "God is love." In Hosea, Chapter 11, one sees a beautiful picture of the love of God (take a minute and read it for yourself). In this passage, God takes on the feminine characteristics of a loving mother.

In first grade, we used to have camel races. The older boys placed us younger ones on their backs and raced down the sidewalk. One day while racing, I flew over the shoulders of my carrier, landing head-first onto the concrete below. The next thing I remember was looking up starry-eyed into the teacher's eyes. My mother was contacted. In tenderness, she cared for me during the following days.

Love is revealed in action. If I say, "I love you," there will come a time when I will reveal that love. In Hosea 11:1, we see God's tender love in action. It says, "When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt, I called my Son."

When I was 12, I awoke one morning with a pain in my side. Later that day my mother took me to the doctor. After poking, taking blood and placing the icy stethoscope on me, the results came back. I needed immediate surgery to remove my appendix. Panic set in. I was sure I was going to die on the operating table. And, if I did die, I wasn't sure where I'd go. Calmly, my mother reassured me. She stayed with me through the surgery and into the night of recovery. Again, I experienced the wonderful assurance of love.

God's love for Israel is again seen in Hosea 11:4, "I will lead them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them."

But there is another side of love. In my teen years I attended a Christian high school. It was against school policy to smoke, yet a friend and I decided to press the issue by smoking some cigars. The following morning the principal's voice came leaping from the speaker calling me to the office. As I rounded the corner to his office, there stood my parents. Tears trickled slowly down my mother's rounded cheeks. Her first words betrayed the deep hurt, "Can you tell us what happened?"

When we love, we open ourselves to hurt and disappointment. In Hosea, we discover God's disappointment and hurt. In
verse 2, "But the more I called Israel, the further they went from me." In
verse 5, "They refuse to repent." In
verse 7, "My people are determined to turn from me."

God's struggle is between love for His people (what He wants to give) and justice (what they deserve as a result of their action). What wins out? Love! As a result of God's love and grace,
verses 10-11 speak of the day of Salvation. "They will follow, they will come." In this passage is revealed a miraculous view of God's love: consistent, patient, enduring, perpetual love.

Born again Christians have all been recipients of God's love.
In Romans 5:6-8 we read,

"When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, no one is likely to die for a good person, though someone might be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners."

I leave you with this question today? How will you respond to His great love?

Quoted from the Stockton (Calif.) Record Newspaper, Sunday, October 11, 1992, page LL-7.

We cannot be neutral
Be a Christian

Definition of a Christian
by Louise Dowdell

I have watched letters as they have appeared regarding Christians.

If we wish to take man's explanation of what a Christian is we can look it up in the dictionary where it's partly right, i.e. "a person professing belief in Jesus as the Christ." Then the mistake of adding erroneously, "or in the religion based on the teachings of Christ."

There is only one true interpretation of a Christian. In the Book of
Acts 11:26, it states:
"and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." Who were the Christians? Followers of Christ. Not a religion.

How does one become a Christian? By humbling himself and repenting of sin, asking Christ to come into his heart and be his Savior. No where does it say to make a donation to buy your Christianity;
Ephesians 2:8 makes it very clear:
"For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast."

So is a Christian "better" than the rest of the people of the world? No. A Christian is only a sinner saved by grace.

Are Christians happier? AMEN. Why, because God has given us a peace in our hearts that passes all understanding.
Philippians 4:4-7

Do Christians hate unsaved people? No, but we are sorry for them because unless they repent and accept Christ they will die in their sins and spend eternity in hell. God's Word says so.

Religion and religious beliefs can be forced on people. Christianity cannot. It is a matter of free will.
John 3:16 says� "who so ever will," not "who so ever is forced."

Why then do people reject the Bible and dislike Christianity?


Man does not want to acknowledge he is in need of a Savior. Man is too proud to humble himself.

I do not condemn people for what they are� I've been there and now I am merely a sinner saved by grace."

Quoted from the Lodi (Calif.) News Sentinel Newspaper, June 18, 1993.

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times,
Always with the same person"
-Mignon McLaughlin

A Marriage Built On Commitment Can Weather The Storms of Life
by James Dobson

"Question: My uncle and aunt were happily married for nine years before a couple of terrible things happened. First, their youngest child drowned in a neighborhood (swimming) pool, and then my uncle was injured in an automobile accident. Instead of bringing them together, these two events drove them apart. How could they have weathered the storms?

How will my fiance and I stay together through the difficult times in our lives?

Answer: Having served on a large medical school faculty for 14 years, I watched many families go through the kind of hardship your relatives suffered. All too commonly, I saw marital relationships succumb to the pressures of personal crises. Parents who produced a mentally retarded child, for example, often blamed one another for the tragedy that confronted them.

Instead of clinging together in love and reassurance, they added to their sorrows by attacking each other. I didn't condemn them for this human failing, but I did pity them for it. A basic ingredient was lacking in their relationship which remained unrecognized until their world fell off its axis. That missing component is called...commitment.

I heard the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer speak to this issue some years ago. He described the bridges that were built in Europe by the Romans in the first and second centuries A.D. They are still standing today, despite the unreinforced brick and mortar with which they were made. Why haven't they collapsed in this modern era of heavy trucks and equipment?

They remain intact because they are used for nothing but foot traffic. If an 18-wheeler were driven across the historic structures, they would crumble in a great cloud of dust and debris.

Marriages that lack an iron-willed determination to hang together are like the fragile Roman bridges.

They appear to be secure and may indeed remain upright...until they are put under heavy pressure. That's when the seams split and the foundation crumbles.

It appears to me that many young couples today are in that precarious position. Their relationships are constructed of unreinforced mud, which will not withstand the weighty trials lying ahead. The determination to survive together is simply not there.

It's not only the great tragedies of life but also the daily frustrations that wear and tear on a marriage. These minor irritants when accumulated over time may even be more threatening to a marriage than the catastrophic events that crash into our lives. And yes, there are times in every good marriage when a husband and wife don't like each other very much.

There are occasions when they feel as though they will never be in love again. Emotions are like that. They flatten out occasionally like an automobile tire with a nail in the tread. Riding on the rim is a pretty bumpy experience for everyone on board.

Let's return to your specific question.

What will you do when unexpected tornadoes blow through your home or when the doldrums, leave your sails sagging and silent?

Will you pack it in and go home to Mama?

Will you pout and cry and seek ways to strike back? Or will your commitment hold you steady?

If you want your marriage to last a lifetime, you must set your jaw and clench your fists. Make up your mind that nothing short of death will ever be permitted to come between the two of you. Nothing!

Question: What causes attention deficit disorder (ADD)?

Answer: It is believed to be inherited. Russell Barkley of the Department of Psychiatry at the SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, estimates that 40 percent of ADD kids have a parent with similar symptoms, and 35 percent have an affected sibling.

If one identical twin is affected, the chances are between 80 and 92 percent that his or her sibling will be also. ADD is two to three times as likely to be diagnosed in boys as girls.

The cause of ADD is unknown, but is probably associated with subtle differences in brain structure, its neural pathways, its chemistry its blood supply or its electrical system. As of this writing some interesting hypotheses are emerging, although definitive conclusions can't yet be drawn."

At the time of this article Dr. James Dobson was founder and chairman of the board of the nonprofit organization, Focus on the Family.
Quoted from the Lodi News Sentinel Newspaper, July, 2007.

A family altar
Can alter a family

Spanking is Rarely Necessary to Punish Children
by James Dobson

"Question: Do you think you should spank a child for every act of disobedience or defiance?

Answer: No. Corporal punishment should be an infrequent occurrence. There is an appropriate time for a child to sit on a chair to think about his misbehavior, or he might be deprived of a privilege or sent to his room for a timeout or made to work when he had planned to play.

In other words, you should vary your response to misbehavior, always hoping to stay one step ahead of the child. Your goal is to react continually in the way that benefits the child and is in accordance with his "crime." In this regard, there is no substitute for wisdom and tact from a parent.

Question: My husband's parents are wonderful people and we love them very much. They have always refrained from interfering in our family� that is, until our daughter was born. Now they're arguing with us about how we're raising her and undermining the things we're trying to teach.

We want to base Amy's upbringing on biblical principles, but not being Christians, my in-laws don't really understand this. How can we deal with this situation without offending them?

Answer: It is time to have a loving but candid conversation with your in-laws about how your child will be raised. I would suggest that you take them to dinner some evening during which this topic will be addressed. When the moment is right, tell them of your concerns.

Make it clear that you love them and want them to enjoy their granddaughter. But the responsibility for how she is being raised must rest entirely with you and your husband.

Remind them that they had their day� when the decisions about child rearing were theirs alone. Spell out the issues that mean the most to you, including your desire to raise your daughter according to Christian principles.

Try to help them understand your reasons, but recognize that their worldview might make it impossible for them to agree. If that is the case, they'll need to honor your wishes anyway.

It is likely that sparks will fly during this conversation. If so, try to remain calm and stand your ground. If the worst occurs and the dinner ends in an emotional walkout, I suggest that you give your in-laws some space while they're cooling off.

When you do come back together, let love and respect continue to be your guide� but don't back off on the issue at hand. You have the right to do what you're doing. Your in-laws are the ones who are out of line. But remember that Amy needs her grandparents, and your goal should be to harmonize your relationship. In most cases, that will occur in time."
Lodi News Sentinel Newspaper, Lodi, Calif., September 15, 2007, page 18
BOW Index concerning the Family

"Measure wealth not by the things you have,
But by the things you have for which you would not take money"

Some Views on Tithing
by Ross Farrow

"The Old Testament proclaims people should contribute 10 percent of their income to their place of worship. The New Testament encourages contributions, but it is less specific about the amount.

Based on those teachings, churches often practice "tithing," in which members of the congregation contribute to the church to show their love to God.

Pastors and lay people generally agree that tithing is a good thing, but they differ on the amount they give and how they approach their congregations about the topic.

"Tithing is a sensitive issue, and many pastors have different beliefs in what Scripture says," said Rick Keiser, children's pastor at Family Life Christian Church in Galt. "But at Family Life, we do believe the tithe (which means 10 percent) is still pertinent today."

"I believe the tithe was a commandment that preceded the "law from Moses." Therefore, when Jesus came to abolish the law� the tithe was not part of that."

Some pastors say they gently encourage contributing to the church but try to avoid pressuring the congregation. And at least one� Cornerstone Church in Lodi� avoids the issue altogether.

"We have found the greatest criticism many people have about Christianity is "all they ever want is my money," Cornerstone Pastor Ron Payne said. "We have tried to overcome this negative objection by eliminating the offering each week."

The Catholic Church doesn't insist that its members give 10 percent of their income, nor do priests consider lack of giving to be a mortal sin, according to Monsignor Richard Ryan of the Stockton Diocese.

Parishes take different approaches to tithing, Ryan said. Some ask parishioners to indicate on cards how much they are willing to give each week. Others employ a "stewardship" program, in which contributions can consist of volunteerism rather than dollars and cents.

Pastor Ricky Himm of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lodi quotes Paul in the Book of
2 Corinthians 9:7-8:
"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

So what does a church-goer do when gas prices go up to $3 per gallon, as they did earlier this year? Is it all right to cut down on your tithe if finances are tight?

Depends on who you talk to.

The Catholic Church doesn't have a problem with people reducing their contributions if their finances don't allow, Ryan said.

But Terri Bottke and LaVern Schmidt from St. Peter Lutheran Church say that the tithe should come first, then all other spending decisions.

"The Bible does tell us 10 percent, but that is the minimum," said Bottke, who lives in Lodi. "It all belongs to God anyway."

Schmidt gives 20 percent, even though she and her husband are retired.

Both women say that if you give money to the Lord, even when finances are tight, God will take care of your material needs.

Keiser said people usually give about two percent of their income to the church and feel proud of it. And, yes, increasing gas prices have put a dent in offerings at Family Life, he said.

"Giving to God should always be the first thing we do," Keiser said. "It should be done with a cheerful heart. In this culture, we want and want and want. Unfortunately then, the bills come."

"My suggestion� live within your income, get rid of credit, accept simplicity and love it," Keiser added, "When God is first in your life, amazing things happen."

While most churches use a collection plate, Family Life goes a step further. In addition to the collection plate passed around at each service, church members can go to the church's Web site and set up automatic withdrawals from their checking account."

How do local pastors address tithing?

"As a useful tool, it can be an example to strive for as a goal, but when one mandates the giving of the tithe or 10 percent, that can be law motivation and reduces giving to a "have to" and not a "want to". Also, people have used the tithe as a souree of guilt and a source of pride."
- Ricky Himm, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lodi

"We challenge members to consider a tithe of their total income. My wife and I give a tithe. We do not check up on people and I do not have access to financial records, so I don't know who does and who does not tithe. When a person knows Christ and has received His salvation, he or she doesn't see a tithe as a burdensome law, but as an opportunity to respond to God's love. We tithe our church income to various local and foreign missionaries and projects."
- Steve Newman, First Baptist Church, Lodi

"We have always encouraged our members to honor the Lord with the first fruits or first 10 percent (tithe) of their increase
(Proverbs 3:9). We believe individuals should give to God because they love Him enough to honor Him with their money. God will take care of us if we only trust Him."
- Randy Robertson. Oasis, A Church of Hope, Lockeford

"I try to encourage prayerful consideration of increased giving if folks are able without inducing guilt, because I don't think guilt works for very long, quite frankly. Folks who really want to give find a way, at least according to their means; folks who don't want to give don't look very far for an excuse."
-Mary Sanders, Shepherd of the Valley Luthern Church, Galt

"The real key, according to 2 Corinthians, is that our giving be proportionate to our income and that it come from a cheerful and grateful heart. Giving is a private matter between each member and God."
-Frank Palmer, Woodbridge Missionary Baptist Church"

Quoted from the article by Ross Farrow, News-Sentinel Staff Writer, titled: A Sensitive Issue: Local churches approach tithing in different ways
Lodi News Sentinel Newspaper, Lodi, Calif., September 15, 2007, page 18

BOW Index concerning money

"It is impossible to keep our moral practices sound and our inward attitudes right while our idea of God is erroneous or inadequate"
- A.W. Tozer

Moral State Concerns Three In Four Adults
Religion News Service

"Three of four adults surveyed say they are concerned about the moral condition of the nation, and those committed to the Christian faith are more likely to express that concern, the Bama Research Group has found.

The Ventura, Calif. based marketing research company surveyed 1,005 adults, with 74 percent saying they are concerned about the moral state of the country.

Researchers learned that 41 percent of atheists surveyed are worried about the moral condition of the nation. Fifty-six percent of adults associated with non-Christian faith groups said they have a similar worry. Sixty-eight percent of those associated with the Christian faith, but not considered born-again, indicated they are worried about the nation's moral situation.

Eighty-nine percent of the born-again Christians surveyed are concerned about the moral state of the nation, compared to 92 percent of evangelical Christians.

The survey found that 80 percent of Protestants are concerned about the nation's moral state, compared to 73 percent of Catholics. Eighty-three percent of those attending non-mainline Protestant congregations had a similar concern, compared to 76 percent of those affiliated with a mainline Protestant church.

Overall, the researchers found that the segments of the American population with the most concerns about moral ideals are Republicans (84 percent), women (80 percent), people 55 and older (80 percent), and residents of the South (80 percent)."

Quoted from the Pentecostal Evangel Magazine, JUNE 10, 2001, page 26

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Kraig Josiah Rice

Encouragement when you are hurting

The 7 I Wills that God has promised you

How to overcome discouragement

Keep looking to God for deliverance

A Bible Study About Miracles
Do you need a miracle to happen in your life? God still works miracles. Maybe He has one for you...

Here are various testimonies that will help you with your faith.

You are the apple of God's eye

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As of February 18, 2007