written by Kraig Josiah Rice

Missionary bottle evangelism is when you take a Gospel of John, some salvation tracts in various languages, and some outdated Sunday School literature and place it all inside of a glass bottle and tightly cork it. It is then placed far from shore in an ocean current (after it has been prayed over asking God to pilot it to its special destination in His timing to accomplish His will). Make sure that you have your name and address inside of it so the bottle finder can write to you.

Why do this? Most of the world has never heard of Jesus Christ even one time. Our Lord's Great Commission to Christians is to share the gospel with others. This is one way of doing it.

Why bother? The answer is what all missionaries give to churches before they go abroad to spread the gospel light to others. Jesus Christ forgives a person of their sins. After a person has invited Jesus Christ to come to live inside of their heart they are instructed to give up their evil ways. They are no longer to worship Satan, commit violent crimes, sexually molest their family members or others, etc. Getting the gospel message to the lost folks of the world is what its all about.

Christian Ministries That Have Floated A Message In A Bottle:

Here is the story and testimonies of ministries who have practiced missionary bottle evangelism in the Twentieth Century. Placing messages inside of bottles is fun, exciting, and unique. Missionary bottles have carried God's Word and as a result much fruit for the Lord has come forth, not only in this ministry but also in other ministries mentioned herein.

In a real way it is also part of my story...

  • World Wide Missionary Effort (Washington U.S.A.)

  • Printed Page Evangelistic Society (Ireland)

  • Merseyside Bottle Evangelists (England)

  • No Name Gospel Bottle Ministry (Alaska U.S.A.)

  • Gospel Tracts, Unlimited (California U.S.A.)

  • Bread On The Waters (BOW) (California U.S.A.)

    "A Message In A Bottle" From History
    (school teachers might get some ideas here for teaching geography to their class)

    Do you want to float missionary bottles? It is fun and exciting! If you do then I challenge you to read the available information to learn all about it.
    To read if missionary bottle evangelism Work is for everyone?
    For guidelines on how to make your own missionary bottles
    To read and copy the Gospel Afloat Leaflet that goes inside every bottle

    Ahoy, Matey! Keep digging for the hidden treasure.
    It is hidden around here somewhere!

    (click on the treasure chest to find the true riches)

    Note: Be sure you "bookmark" or "add to your favorites" this website so you can come back here some other time and fully explore it. Or you may want to download these pages to your hard-drive so you can view them at your leisure.

    "The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword." Hebrews 4:12


    July 26, 2007